Throughout the process of developing my booklet, monogram and ransom quote I learnt several new skills in relation to using Adobe Illustrator, I was able to look at things in a new direction and considering typography settings and techniques that I would never have known to exist prior to this task, such as kerning. Before this assessment I was unaware of what minor details truly made the difference to an article and made it more appealing to its audience.

Along the way of curating my booklet I did encounter some challenges which I had to overcome and work around, such as fonts, as we were only allowed to use two font families I had to acquire these fonts, therefore using another platform which allowed me to download these fonts and make them accessible within my adobe illustrator platform. After gathering the fonts I needed, I begun working on the layout of my booklet, the initial development proved to be a challenge as a I had to develop my own unique and interesting idea and layout to implicate into my booklet, along with the layout I had to develop a colour scheme which again proved to be quite challenging, sparking my creativity and natural instinct to decipher what colours integrated well with each other and what didn’t.

My colour scheme also had to fit in with the layout and appearance was going for, originally settling on a colour scheme consisting of varied warm yellows and oranges, along with cool teal and green colours. I was satisfied with this colour scheme until I developed my ransom quote which created a completely different element within my booklet, the colour scheme that majorly ran overt this quote was a mixture of cool blues and purples, ranging to bright pinks and deep blues again. Therefore, I had to change and adapt this theme to the overall booklet, which in the end proved to suite the style I was going for much better, I never would have thought of this colour scheme before developing mt ransom quote.

Finally, when it came to the layout of the text, I selected a section of text which I intended to become a pull quote, throughout the process of doing this I really struggled to get the surrounding text to integrate well and wrap around the pull quote present within the article.

After completing this task I will take many skills developed throughout the process with e into future projects, such as the use of kerning and the importance of borders and columns, these simple techniques are extremely useful and are adaptable to many future projects.

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