The Mid Point Initially, I took inspiration from graphic designer Noma Bar and his animation work, especially work such as Be Future Positive and his medical series. To start I wanted to achieve this aesthetic throughout my project, however, I was struggling to combine shapes and develop such a smooth transition between scenes, the process as aContinueContinue reading “The Mid Point”

Sequence Complete

In terms of fulfilling the project brief, I believe that I have achieved that in terms of developing a 30-second motion graphic that is engaging enough to an audience, whilst allowing myself to experiment and explore Adobe After Effects. Although with this being said I do feel as though there are aspects I could haveContinueContinue reading “Sequence Complete”

Moving in Motion

When commencing this project, I had zero knowledge of After Effects, how to use it or what I could even develop with it. Therefore, I first began by experimenting with some of the tools I was familiar with as a result of using several other Adobe programs, I explored the basic shape and pen toolsContinueContinue reading “Moving in Motion”

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