Nine to Five – Playtesting

This post will be discussing the board game I have chosen to develop for the subject, Game Experience Design, Nine to Five. Nine to Five takes place in an office setting and follows each player throughout their day as busy nine to five office employees. The aim of this game is to reach 5pm andContinueContinue reading “Nine to Five – Playtesting”

Card Theif

This post discusses the mobile game Card Thief, exploring the mechanics behind the game and how they work in unison with the setting and story, to establish an affective yet enjoyable game. As Jonathan Frome states “each person draws on a unique network of mental associations” when it comes to how we as individuals interoperateContinueContinue reading “Card Theif”

Exploring the influence of audio within video games

This report examines and discusses the role and influence of diegetic and non-diegetic sound plays in relation to video games and how their audience perceives and interacts with them. Past research indicates that audio undeniably impacts how video games are consumed by their audience and how they benefit the overall playability of the game. Although,ContinueContinue reading “Exploring the influence of audio within video games”

Another day, another peer review

Once again, I’m back reviewing some of my peer’s work! For this lot of peer reviews I chose to review Amy Dunn, Breanna Gordon and Jacob Huisman, all their pitches were very entertaining and informative so it was hard to criticise. As we all know peer reviews can be one of the most challenging tasksContinueContinue reading “Another day, another peer review”

Audio – “It’s Super Effective!”

For this week’s blog post I will be exploring in further detail, the analytical framework I have built in order to investigate and research my area of interest regarding my DA. The analytical framework for my DA will be looking at three individual concepts/theories and how they interact and overlap one another. The followingContinueContinue reading “Audio – “It’s Super Effective!””

Thank you for your participation!

For those of you who have been following my blog or keeping up to date with my digital artefact (DA), you would know that I have chosen to explore the impact and influence of audio within video games on the user’s experience. For this week’s post I will be applying Raessen’s analytical framework which exploresContinueContinue reading “Thank you for your participation!”

How Well Did I Do? – Self Reflection

When asked to evaluate another person’s work, often this can be challenging, although quite rewarding. Feedback allows us the opportunity to reflect on ourselves and our own projects, providing us with new perspectives, resulting in improved final works. The experience itself was positive as I was tasked with reviewing several engaging and intriguing pitches. Firstly,ContinueContinue reading “How Well Did I Do? – Self Reflection”

B O Ware of why this BioWare game failed

You’ve heard the hype, you’ve waited months for a games release, it finally comes out…! And its just not what it was all cracked up to be… Today we will be talking about the games that took a turn for the worst, in particular, online multiplayer game Anthem. Why did this game flop? What influencedContinueContinue reading “B O Ware of why this BioWare game failed”

The SMASH Hits We Forgot About

Remember the games you played before smartphones and flappy bird, back before the graphics made you question whether you were playing a video game or simply watching a live action movie. We all had our favourites that we never thought we’d stop playing, but here we are in 2021, with more forgotten games than weContinueContinue reading “The SMASH Hits We Forgot About”

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