Exploring the influence of audio within video games

This report examines and discusses the role and influence of diegetic and non-diegetic sound plays in relation to video games and how their audience perceives and interacts with them. Past research indicates that audio undeniably impacts how video games are consumed by their audience and how they benefit the overall playability of the game. Although,ContinueContinue reading “Exploring the influence of audio within video games”

Thank you for your participation!

For those of you who have been following my blog or keeping up to date with my digital artefact (DA), you would know that I have chosen to explore the impact and influence of audio within video games on the user’s experience. For this week’s post I will be applying Raessen’s analytical framework which exploresContinueContinue reading “Thank you for your participation!”

I Hear You Gaming – How Sound Influences Audience Interaction

https://youtu.be/j8v6r3IBc7I Video Script Hi, my name is Shellyce Hobill and today I will be pitching my idea for my Game Media Industries subject BCM 215. For this project I will be analysing how sound design in video games alters and influences the player’s experience. Whether you are an avid gamer who enjoys playing fast pacedContinueContinue reading “I Hear You Gaming – How Sound Influences Audience Interaction”

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