DEFORESTATION – How to save the trees with graphic design fundamentals

For my A1 infographic poster, I have chosen to focus on the deforestation levels throughout Australia and several other countries which highly contribute to the largely increasing deforestation rate. After conducting some research on infographic posters, and infographics revolving around deforestation, I gathered some ideas and inspiration for what I indevoured to develop for myContinueContinue reading “DEFORESTATION – How to save the trees with graphic design fundamentals”

After the adventure is over – Integrate & Refine

As stated in prior blog post, I had intended to develop and outdoor activities camp website, to display the activities offered, merchandise that could be purchased via the camp to remember the experience, contact and about menus to get in touch with the camp for questions or enquires. For the layout of my website IContinueContinue reading “After the adventure is over – Integrate & Refine”

PROTOTYPE – How the adventure works!

After researching and mucking around with a range of fonts I found that the thinner, uppercase script held more likeness to the appearance of what I had imagined for my website. Although when finally settling on a type face, (moon flower) I found it a little challenging to decipher between titles and paragraph font, evenContinueContinue reading “PROTOTYPE – How the adventure works!”

Research the outdoor adventures on offer!

For my project I have chosen to focus on an outdoor adventure theme, my initial idea was to develop a website to advertise a camp/retreat for schools only, although after beginning to develop the idea I found there was so much potential for more, therefore I decided to expand the audience of my website toContinueContinue reading “Research the outdoor adventures on offer!”


For our first VCD 102 lecture we were posed with the phrase “form follows function” which for anyone who attended VCD 101 last semester would be familiar with. This phrase suggest that the primary form of the intended design should also flow onward towards the function of said done. This is a key factor withinContinueContinue reading “WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF FORM, FUNCTION AND INTERACTION”

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