Old Monograms Older style monograms used older typography and generally consisted of a several intricate letters with multiple curves and elongated lines, whereas newer monograms generally consist of simpler letter forms and are often presented next too each other rather than each letter being intertwined with one another. Most newer monograms use a range ofContinueContinue reading “MONOGRAMS”


WORK 1 – CONSTRUCTIVISM Research Constructivism was a groundbreaking movement in art, design, and architecture that began in Russia in 1913, but really rose to prominence after the Russian Revolution of 1917. (Strizver, 2019) Agitation and Propaganda: The Soviet Political Poster 1918–1929 Alexander Rodchenko was an artist whom worked in relation to the constructivism artContinueContinue reading “DESIGN HISTORY”

The Journey Begins

Why start a blog? Firstly, welcome to my blog! Bet all the BCM students will get tired of reading that one soon. Anyway, truly welcome yourselves to my blog, settle in, pull up a chair, get comfy and strap in for a wild adventure full of well thought out and executed blogs that will blowContinueContinue reading “The Journey Begins”

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