When one hears the term audience they often think of a group of people, in a cinema, at a lecture, watching a performance, etc. basically just a large or small group of people siting among each other within a confined space focusing on the same piece of media at the same time, although this isContinueContinue reading “WHAT IS AN AUDIENCE?”

Welcome – MEMES

BCM 110 – Introduction As a person who regularly scrolls through different social platforms I am fully aware of the controversy that is present over social media, although attending BCM 110 made me more aware of the differed perspectives and judgments made by each individual person. NOW FOR MEMES Life is about making an impact,ContinueContinue reading “Welcome – MEMES”

The Journey Begins

Why start a blog? Firstly, welcome to my blog! Bet all the BCM students will get tired of reading that one soon. Anyway, truly welcome yourselves to my blog, settle in, pull up a chair, get comfy and strap in for a wild adventure full of well thought out and executed blogs that will blowContinueContinue reading “The Journey Begins”

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