Music for the mind – Personal Reflection

For anyone who has been following along with my studies, they will be aware of my recent study which delved into the cognitive process and how music can affect it both positively and negatively. I decided to choose this subject as it was a topic, I was passionate about and felt that my peers wouldContinueContinue reading “Music for the mind – Personal Reflection”

Motivational Music – Can music effect the way we study?

From house parties, to road trips, background noise or soul listening, music is large aspect of a university students’ life and often impacts their daily activities. Author Luke Sharkey speaks on the amount of time the average person spends listening to music in an article posted via Nialler9. Sharkey shares that research conducted reports “thatContinueContinue reading “Motivational Music – Can music effect the way we study?”

“University Students”

Hello, for those of you who are new to my blog, my name is Shellyce, I am currently in my third year of university, studying online and sometimes commuting to Wollongong campus from my home on the south coast. I have always lived in Australia, originally being born in Wagga Wagga, which is a LOTTTContinueContinue reading ““University Students””

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