Shore Thing – The Whole Thing

My digital artefact consists of a fictional sustainable and ethical clothing brand, which features quite a casual aesthetic, composed of mostly relaxed, skate/street style clothing articles. I developed this clothing brand and supporting social platform as a way of raising awareness about the harsh reality of the clothing industry and fast fashion. My goal wasContinueContinue reading “Shore Thing – The Whole Thing”

Am I working for the algorithm?

APPLE VS ANDROID The ongoing debate, apple or android? What’s better? Apple is a closed system which provides a majorly obvious advantage for Apple itself, as it ensures that the company will make a profit from any software which operates within its ecosystem. Android on the other hand is an open interface operating system, allowingContinueContinue reading “Am I working for the algorithm?”

What’s current on the web?

MEME’S VS RON BURGUNDY So, we’ve all watched the Anchorman right? Well if you haven’t for one, I’m so disappointed, secondly, that amazing fight scene, well this shows how a small minority of News teams fight it out for the audience’s attention, with very little competition, each news team takes the same event andContinueContinue reading “What’s current on the web?”

It sure is a Shore Thing!

Shore Thing is a project developed to raise awareness of the ever-growing crisis that is fast fashion. Shore Thing is challenging one-time wear by curating and producing apparel that is made from recycled articles and/or sustainable materials. Shore Thing Instagram: Shore Thing is a sustainable streetwear fashion brand that I have developed for theContinueContinue reading “It sure is a Shore Thing!”

Shore Thing – Project Pitch

For this project, I intend to develop a sustainable clothing brand that tackles the issue of fast fashion and how it contributes to the ongoing issue of ocean pollution. As someone who has grown up by the water, I have grown to love it and the wildlife that lives within and surrounding it, therefore IContinueContinue reading “Shore Thing – Project Pitch”


GLITCH Glitch art starts conversations that traditional art forms can’t really access, just by the nature of how it’s created. (Roy, 2014) The medium glitch often manipulates and distorts images and subjects beyond points of recognition, although can also distort slightly to give a certain image a slight digital enhancement. The glitch works in manyContinueContinue reading “THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE”

TRUMP AND AN EXTRA HOUR? Although for all of us out there that believe Trumps great reputation would still be rubbished due to him, well.. being Trump? I’m spreading my own fake news of Donald Trump and his 40% approval rating through Imgur, tell me it’s not fake? An example of deception within news can be seenContinueContinue reading “TRUMP AND AN EXTRA HOUR?”


So for anyone who has been following my blog and keeping up to date with my Digital Artifact for BCM 112, you should know that for my DA I have intended to curate a website that will host a variety of clothing articles along with many other items such as prints and stickers that incorporateContinueContinue reading “HELP OUT”

The Journey Begins

Why start a blog? Firstly, welcome to my blog! Bet all the BCM students will get tired of reading that one soon. Anyway, truly welcome yourselves to my blog, settle in, pull up a chair, get comfy and strap in for a wild adventure full of well thought out and executed blogs that will blowContinueContinue reading “The Journey Begins”

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