The Last Frame

I believe that I acquired new skills over the duration of this project and pushed myself out of my comfort zone to achieve a project that exhibits both primary and secondary motion throughout each sequence. I personally feel as though I accomplished what I had set out to do, in terms of developing a setContinueContinue reading “The Last Frame”

Shore Thing – The Whole Thing

My digital artefact consists of a fictional sustainable and ethical clothing brand, which features quite a casual aesthetic, composed of mostly relaxed, skate/street style clothing articles. I developed this clothing brand and supporting social platform as a way of raising awareness about the harsh reality of the clothing industry and fast fashion. My goal wasContinueContinue reading “Shore Thing – The Whole Thing”

Am I working for the algorithm?

APPLE VS ANDROID The ongoing debate, apple or android? What’s better? Apple is a closed system which provides a majorly obvious advantage for Apple itself, as it ensures that the company will make a profit from any software which operates within its ecosystem. Android on the other hand is an open interface operating system, allowingContinueContinue reading “Am I working for the algorithm?”

The Mid Point Initially, I took inspiration from graphic designer Noma Bar and his animation work, especially work such as Be Future Positive and his medical series. To start I wanted to achieve this aesthetic throughout my project, however, I was struggling to combine shapes and develop such a smooth transition between scenes, the process as aContinueContinue reading “The Mid Point”

What’s current on the web?

MEME’S VS RON BURGUNDY So, we’ve all watched the Anchorman right? Well if you haven’t for one, I’m so disappointed, secondly, that amazing fight scene, well this shows how a small minority of News teams fight it out for the audience’s attention, with very little competition, each news team takes the same event andContinueContinue reading “What’s current on the web?”

Nine to Five – Playtesting

This post will be discussing the board game I have chosen to develop for the subject, Game Experience Design, Nine to Five. Nine to Five takes place in an office setting and follows each player throughout their day as busy nine to five office employees. The aim of this game is to reach 5pm andContinueContinue reading “Nine to Five – Playtesting”

Presenting The Principles

This project consists of several short animations explaining some core values of Jervis Bay Brewing Co, such as sustainability and how they’re working to produce quality beer in the least damaging manner to our planet. Throughout the development of this project, I will be investigating several areas of motion design, focusing mainly on secondary motion,ContinueContinue reading “Presenting The Principles”

It sure is a Shore Thing!

Shore Thing is a project developed to raise awareness of the ever-growing crisis that is fast fashion. Shore Thing is challenging one-time wear by curating and producing apparel that is made from recycled articles and/or sustainable materials. Shore Thing Instagram: Shore Thing is a sustainable streetwear fashion brand that I have developed for theContinueContinue reading “It sure is a Shore Thing!”

Sequence Complete

In terms of fulfilling the project brief, I believe that I have achieved that in terms of developing a 30-second motion graphic that is engaging enough to an audience, whilst allowing myself to experiment and explore Adobe After Effects. Although with this being said I do feel as though there are aspects I could haveContinueContinue reading “Sequence Complete”

Moving in Motion

When commencing this project, I had zero knowledge of After Effects, how to use it or what I could even develop with it. Therefore, I first began by experimenting with some of the tools I was familiar with as a result of using several other Adobe programs, I explored the basic shape and pen toolsContinueContinue reading “Moving in Motion”

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