So for anyone who has been following my blog and keeping up to date with my Digital Artifact for BCM 112, you should know that for my DA I have intended to curate a website that will host a variety of clothing articles along with many other items such as prints and stickers that incorporateContinueContinue reading “HELP OUT”


FESTIVAL AUDIENCE During my senior years of high school and following years after I attended several festivals and live music sets to which I became a part of an audience among many other festival goers. By attending a number of festivals, I have become a part of many different audiences and involved myself within theContinueContinue reading “CONCERT CONNECTIONS”

The Journey Begins

Why start a blog? Firstly, welcome to my blog! Bet all the BCM students will get tired of reading that one soon. Anyway, truly welcome yourselves to my blog, settle in, pull up a chair, get comfy and strap in for a wild adventure full of well thought out and executed blogs that will blowContinueContinue reading “The Journey Begins”

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