Am I working for the algorithm?


The ongoing debate, apple or android? What’s better? Apple is a closed system which provides a majorly obvious advantage for Apple itself, as it ensures that the company will make a profit from any software which operates within its ecosystem. Android on the other hand is an open interface operating system, allowing for more user freedom.

It is the study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs.

Although, using an open interface like Google, takes less control and offers greater freedom to its users, although this creates a better experience for the user there are some implications with opening up their platform to such a broad audience, Google has left its software open some pretty malicious content.


Intellectual property, what is it? Well, intellect refers to that of the knowledge we as individuals contain, and for property, well that’s often referred to as an object, something over which you hold ownership. So, if you put both these terms together, intellectual property relates to the intellectual creation of something, such as ideas, whether it be an idea for a book, an artwork or design, or simply even a piece of coding for a computer server, if you’ve thought it, it’s your intellectual property.

IP is protected in law by, for example, patentscopyright and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create.

Intellectual property has four main rights which protect each individual type of content, trademarks, copyright, patents and design rights, these rights allow for the creative flow to continue, continually bringing additional content to light and awarding people for their creativity and innovative thinking. Therefore, creating an environment in which intellectual property can grow and flourish.


For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term Big data, it can commonly be known as a larger and more complex set of data, generally made up of several various sources.

As explained in an article via Oracle discussing and explaining that of Big media “These data sets are so voluminous that traditional data processing software just can’t manage them. But these massive volumes of data can be used to address business problems you wouldn’t have been able to tackle before.”

For many of us, we are part of the social platform, Facebook, which itself has largely integrated big data into its way of sharing data, such as the “flashbacks” you often see.

Using big data allows Facebook to gather information from various sources, such as your Facebook friends or events much like your birthday, or anniversary of becoming friends with someone? An article posted via simplilearn explores more on how Facebook is using big data.


Based on observations made over the duration of this module, a potential digital artefact could be conducted around the foundation of a simple yes/no game, where the author could develop a set of simple questions regarding intellectual property, then requiring a yes or no response from their audience. Participants could be observed playing the game and their results are recorded for the purpose of the study. This short question game could be conducted over several different social platforms, requiring participants to answer and discuss their answers in the comments or thread below.

Questions could consist of topics such as “do you believe the ideas you have written on paper but not shown or told anyone about, are your intellectual property?”. Following the results, a statement could be released with the next week’s question or set of questions, providing information on why the previous week’s answer is either yes or no. I believe this would be an engaging yet informative way to gather information and raise awareness of what intellectual property consists of and how people can protect their own intellectual property, which I feel would be relevant to almost anyone, especially those looking to further develop and produce their ideas.

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