It sure is a Shore Thing!

Shore Thing is a project developed to raise awareness of the ever-growing crisis that is fast fashion. Shore Thing is challenging one-time wear by curating and producing apparel that is made from recycled articles and/or sustainable materials.

Shore Thing Instagram:

Shore Thing is a sustainable streetwear fashion brand that I have developed for the purpose of raising awareness about ocean pollution and sustainability issues that have arisen from fast fashion and the fashion industry as a whole.

In order to establish a place-holder for my project, somewhere my audience could access and view the progression of my project I developed an Instagram page, Shore Thing Apparel, where I am able to post curated mockups of designed tees and other sustainable merchandise.

Instagram is a viable platform for establishing a brand’s identity, along with being a fairly easy platform for my audience to navigate and keep up to date with the progression and growth of my project. Instagram has several very useful features which allow me to communicate and share with my audience, as well as being able to receive feedback and opinions from my audience in regard to my project.

So far throughout the prototype and development stages of my project, comments and likes have proven by far that they have the ability to be very insightful and useful in terms of communicating what my audience likes and also wants to see more of. As my project is still only in the earlier stages, there are many more features I intend to make use of throughout the rest of my project such as Instagram stories and reels. However, I do believe that I will continue to get the most quantitative feedback from likes and shares, whilst getting more informative and qualitative feedback from comments and even messages.

Hashtags have proven to be a great opportunity to reach a larger audience and even a more specific audience, as they offer the flexibility to target specific audience groups whilst still allowing my the opportunity to share m posts with an open audience.

In regard to the feedback and interaction I have received thus far throughout the project, I intend to continue using Instagram as my main avenue of communication with my audience as it has proven so far to be the most achievable and accessible platform. Although as previously mentioned, I intend to delve further into Instagram’s additional features to further reach and connect with my audience.

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