The halfway point, where audio meets visual.

Within my beta video, I explore several stages of my digital artefact, along with the struggles and setbacks I have encountered so far, the changes and improvements I have made to my DA, through new ideations and how I have implemented those changes into my DA. The beta explores what you could think of as the halfway point of my DA, after the iterations have been tested and constructed, yet before the final changes and submission has been made. Producing my DA so far has been an interesting and enjoyable experience, although it has had its moments of difficulty and obstacles which I have had to overcome.

My beta video focuses on three main topics:

Challenges – the challenges and problems I have encountered so far and how I have overcome them.

Iterations & Improvements – Looking back on my original ideations for my DA and how I have changed and improved on these ideas thus far.

Prototypes – Exploring digital prototypes of my DA so far.

When faced with challenges I found innovative solutions, which grew and improved on the existing foundation of my project. These improvements resolved issues within my project and also increased my knowledge of issues, that I may encounter in future projects. I have also advanced my knowledge on my chosen topic by using the feature of hashtags over several media platforms, as my project is exploring sound design within the gaming industry, I found hashtags which related to my topic such as #gameaudio and #sounddesign useful as I found more informative content which further my knowledge in my area of study.

Initially, my DA’s goal was to explore the relationship between audience and game via sound design, while now my goal has directed itself more towards sharing why diegetic and non-diegetic game audio is such an important aspect of games and the impact it has on the user experience. For instance, when first proposing the idea for my DA, I had pictured myself developing short audio clips and exploring how my audience interoperates and reacts to them, while now I have chosen to share audio clips of actual game sounds, whether it be background music, achievement sounds or character dialogue, I have chosen to take away key aspects of the game such as the visual or audio components and show the game with either or the other in order to show the importance of the two operating so seamlessly together in order to curate a unique gaming experience.

I am happy with the new direction my DA has taken as it allows me to further my knowledge on the topic, whilst I also feel that it maintains the audience interest, if not increasing the interest in the topic, by exploring numerous ways to present the importance of audio within the gaming industry. I feel as though my DA has taken a new twist on some of my previous projects, exploring and sharing my topic in a fairly unique way, I feel that this has benefited my DA in a way that would not have been possible if I were to explore the topic in a more generic way.

I intend to continue developing and sharing clips that are curated using diverse aspects of various games, showcasing the importance and reliance of each component in order to develop a cohesive and entertaining game for the player. I’m excited about the road ahead of my DA and cannot wait to receive further feedback from my audience regarding my topic.

6 thoughts on “The halfway point, where audio meets visual.

  1. This is a great summation of your DA and the progress you’ve made so far! You have highlighted the issues that you have faced and how you have overcome them in an uncomplicated and clear manner as well as including how you have learnt and moved forward from them. Additionally, the inclusion of how you’ve improved on your original plan for the DA shows the clear progress you’ve made.

    However, I would recommend a clearer and deeper explanation of what you’re trying to prove with your DA, especially since you have stated your original pitch has changed since you began this project. Additionally an inclusion of your new and improved schedule of what and when you aim to complete components would allow us the audience to have a greater understanding of your plan ahead.

    Lastly, I realize you already have a set plan in place but one way you could highlight the importance of sound is by perhaps showing how audio that doesn’t match the visuals takes away from a piece as to highlight that just including audio won’t cut it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Shellyce!
    I really like how you’ve been able to adapt your content across different platforms and adapt to each platform’s restrictions, this is a really good utilisation of the fifo method. It doesn’t surprise me that audio pieces haven’t performed as well as those that have visuals as online audiences have short attention spans. Your addition of visuals to your content will definitely help you grab and maintain an audience.

    What could have benefitted this post would have been to discuss your analytical framework and if/how a change in platform and content affected it, this is something you should consider before the final submission.

    Overall, this is a really solid project and I look forward to seeing the end result!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! I LOVE your growth in this subject Shellyce. It can be really hard to confront the challenges and mistakes made however you have done amazingly, along with finding resolutions and ways to fix your digital artefact. I’ve found that when reviewing peer’s DAs, the biggest obstacles most of us have faced is time and scheduling. My advice would be to reserve 10-20 2 or 3 times a week to slowly create content, I’ve found that relieves stress majorly. Keep pushing on! you are doing amazing and can’t wait to see your final work. Good luck! x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the self-reflection in this post. As well as how easy you have made it to identify the problems and your solutions for them in the video especially. In terms of platforms, I find Twitter really horrible for engagement if you don’t have a good following, therefore would 100% recommend keeping it up on Instagram, but would also recommend TikTok as it is a lot more sound and visual-based rather than the other platforms, plus more engaging from what I’ve found.

    Would also highly suggest giving this a read for some help on setting up an account for yourself:


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