How Well Did I Do? – Self Reflection

When asked to evaluate another person’s work, often this can be challenging, although quite rewarding. Feedback allows us the opportunity to reflect on ourselves and our own projects, providing us with new perspectives, resulting in improved final works. The experience itself was positive as I was tasked with reviewing several engaging and intriguing pitches.

Firstly, I reviewed and gave feedback to Taylor, who is focusing on sound within gaming, a very similar subject as myself. Taylor has chosen to analysis popular soundtracks and audio components from video games.

Comment One – Video Game Music Pitch

Secondly, I was to review and give feedback to Jacob, founder of his MMM YouTube channel, which he will be utilising to analyse the community within and revolved around FIFA’s Pro Clubs component. Attempting to further develop this component of FIFA itself and create a community while doing so.

Comment Two – Project Pitch: MMM Games

Lastly, I evaluated and gave feedback to Julia, who is exploring nostalgia within gaming, using the platform Tik Tok to review and analysis the emotions felt when playing nostalgic games and using older and more nostalgic devices such as the Nintendo DS.

Comment Three – Nostalgia Through Gaming: Pressing The On Button

After reading all three posts I reflected back on them and gave advice accordingly, providing what I considered useful links to media and other information that I felt would assist them and their project.

Whilst giving feedback I kept referring back to past lectures such as the lecture on archaeologies of games which was very informative and helpful when responding to Julia’s post considering the topic being the nostalgia of older games and gaming devices. As Taylors topic is quite similar to my own, I was able to recommend her an academic article that I had read through myself. This article focused on sound design for video games, specifically the psychological impact of the horror genre, I found this quite interesting and was able to further my knowledge of the topic based on this article. For my second comment, I suggested to Jacob that he could keep up to date with the latest conversation around FIFA, by making use of a discussion subreddit which allows people to discuss daily about FIFA and the individual components of the game, such as pro clubs.

Although I did provide some materials for my peers to view and include as part of their research, I could have followed up with additional sources and actionable suggestions which would aid in their project. I also could’ve given some more constructive criticism, as this can often be quite helpful in ironing out the weaker elements of someone’s project, although I wished not to be too judgmental as not to offend or diminish one’s project.

Whilst reviewing my peers work, I realised how important the feedback loop is, along with how crucial evaluation can be to the development of one’s project. Gaining a new perspective on your work can often highlight complications or issues in your plan which you may not have considered on your own. The experience itself was quite rewarding and entertaining, as I found my peers DA ideas very interesting and engaging to review. Not only was the experience enjoyable to take part in, but it was also very helpful for my own personal development on my project. Each comment contributed towards my own DA in a way, as I picked up key details from others work, that I would not have considered without engaging and exploring their ideas. I was able to take away a larger understanding of their topics and how they wish to pursue their chosen issue, furthering the routes I can then look into taking with my own project.

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