Artemis – EPK

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Artemis Press Release


Event: Government Collapse

Resolution: Offering Security to implant an access chip into their wrist to grant them access
to several locations and accounts via their wrist.

Press Release To Buyer: Wanting to control your security? Offer them this piece of mind with our new Meow Meow chip, easily inserted within the wrist of the occupant, granting them access to high security locations and documents with ease.
Skip the lines and security checks by applying for your Meow Meow chip today, tired of losing cards and fumbling through your bulky wallet to find specific cards and access keys?

Keep them all on hand, literally! The Meow Meow chip works by being implanted into your non-dominant hand/wrist, allowing you to store all your cards and security details, with just the wave of a hand you’ll be granted access to your work, home, office, bank account, email, and more!

Not to mention Meow Meow chips protect your private information, keeping all your
personal details secure. Never forget passwords, never leak private information or lose data ever again. Just follow the link below to apply for your Meow Meow chip today!


Company Background: Meow Meow Security is a private enterprise which specializes in unique and effective security devices, buildings, protocols, etc. Some of these include our underwater money deposits, guarded by our trained guard sharks, our space safe houses, which come with a years free supply of oxygen, and of course our bullet proof sunglasses, which come in handy when dealing with ‘eye for an eye’ type business deals! Our founder Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow ensures that every product or service provided by the company will not only satisfy but exceed expectations of the consumer and if we fail to do so we shall provide free opal card implants as compensation.

Product Fact Sheet: The chip can be implanted in a fast and inexpensive surgery with minimum recovery time needed, meaning they can be mass introduced quickly and efficiently to allow for your workforce to get back to work.

The surgery leaves no massive scars or lumps on the arm and the chip is activated and ready to go as soon as the patient wakes up.

The chip will allow for a predetermined level of access to doors, files, documents, etc,
decided by the consumer. This allows for various levels of access for various levels of
security guards.

The chip will help prevent theft, as security tags and cards of the past are steal able
and copy able. No thief will be able to steal the implant from any competent security
guard, allowing for safer overall.

While all this is helpful, the biggest impact of the chip is the neurotoxins they expel
into the bloodstream, which unbeknown to the security force, can allow for zombie
like status to be switched on, with all orders being followed unconsciously while in
this state. This, is of course, controlled by you, the buyer. After returning them to their
natural state the guard will feel slight amnesia in which our included ‘how to deal
with your sudden and accidental amnesia” pamphlet will come in handy.

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Andrea Kalderimis, Ashley Bond, Lachlan Roache, Shellyce Hobill.

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