UPDATE: The logo process

As the semester is nearing towards the end, my Digital Artefact along with many of my peers is close to the final result. There has been many ups and downs along the way, from making, to breaking, to than remaking again.

From the start I had decided to develop logo’s for my Digital Artefact, which I would than choose to display on an Instagram page, sh.logoz. The aim of developing logos for my DA was to inspire and engage my audience, I initially aimed to make more basic, simple and modern designs so that I could captivate an audience, or generate some ideas for them to develop their own logos, along with this opened the opportunity of being able to develop logos for those who weren’t able to themselves or purely did not want to or didn’t have the time too, as we all know uni creates a tight schedule for certain aspects of study, maybe my DA could become of use to others following a similar path.

The aim of my DA is to involve my interests and skills in an eye-catching and unique way, that also connects to those studying similar subjects to mine. My DA also offers an opportunity to connect with fresh faces, as some people have reached out to me regarding my logo development. I also hope that some of my designs have inspired others to get a little creative with their DA’s or purely just to try something that they haven’t before as I try to portray most my designs as simple and effective.

“The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.”

Tony Robbins

Since starting I have generated an audience of 23 followers and several students requesting if I could curate a logo for them. This has been a great response to my DA, as being able to curate logos for actual audience members creates chat about my DA thus further growing my audience.

sh.logoz Instagram

To display my work, I choose to develop an Instagram account as this is relevant and user friendly, due to likes, comments and private messaging within this platform I was able to receive feedback from my audience easily and efficiently. Initiating my Instagram page took quite a while, as I wished to have some content created prior to developing the account, in hopes that if I got caught up with something else, (assessments, social life, events, etc) I would have some previously developed content which I could upload in an effort to keep my posts frequent and relevant.

sh.logoz Instagram feed

I had originally set out a schedule to post at least three times a week, due to lack of time management and unforeseen life events I strayed from this schedule greatly and lost some audience engagement, although due to having this schedule pre made I was able to quickly get back on track and post some more consistent and regular content.

As for show casing my work on Instagram, I try to curate a vertical, horizontal and alternate design for each logo. Each post concludes of at least three images of the logo in various formats.

All logos featured on my Instagram page have been ideated in a sketch pad, then curated using Adobe Illustrator. Most logo’s hold a simple and basic format, as after some research I found that this was the most desired appeal of 2019. I have also been able to engage with my audience and discover what content they would like to see on my feed through the use of Instagram stories, where I frequently post questions regarding the nature of content, or any particular designs my audience would like to see. This has aided in receive audience feedback as well and allowed me to further engage with my audience and create content more suited to their liking.

To generate a larger audience, I attempt to frequently post on Twitter about new uploads and logo’s, I have acquired some followers through my Twitter audience, which again has been able to generate some feedback for me in regard to what logos my audience seem to relate too.

In the future I hope to gain more of a response form my audience, I’ve found that most of my audience feedback is purely through likes on particular post, although this can be quite unreliable, as most viewers will only like things posted at the time they’re active, or within 10 hours of their active status. The number of likes on a post therefore become less reliable and important when considering what an audience would like to see as I do not have a time schedule for when post should be uploaded. I have considered furthering my research into the timing of my uploads, could this be relevant to audience interaction? Are there peak times I should be uploading to generate more interest and engagement from my audience?

Please feel free to follow my Instagram or Twitter! My inbox is always open for those requiring Logo’s as well

Instagram – sh.logoz

Twitter – Shellyce2

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