Ransom Quote

We’re always looking, but we never really see.

Milton Glaser

To me this quote speaks volumes and I really love it, hence why it was my choice for our ransom quotes. To me this quote tells a story and relates so closely to life as we know it today, we are all so caught up in our own individual lives or stuck with our heads down in our phones we don’t really see our own surroundings. Many of us walk through a busy street or shopping center looking at where we are going, on a mission to our destination, not really seeing what is going on around us. In a sense it almost desensitizes us, for example you’re walking down a crowded and busy road, there’s a small pup running through traffic, you look at this dog and think “oh no, if it continues it will surely be hit” instead of stopping and actually ‘seeing’ you walk on and think “someone else will help” until one person comes along and ‘sees’ they stop traffic in a subtle and safe manner, pick up the flustered yet excited pup and actually ‘see’ this pup has a life, it has a family, for some a pet may be someone’s world.

Just by stopping and really seeing, you helped, you made a difference and made the world just a little nicer. If we all walk through life looking in our own direction, ignorant to what the world holds, and what we could actually be seeing, we are missing opportunities, we are ignoring the side streets and passing up life changing experiences because we are so focused looking towards our destination, we have no time limit to reach it, we are in no rush so why not take the time to look up from your phone, take a different path, explore and adventure and really see what the world has in store for us, rather than just doing the bare minimum.

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