The ongoing debate, apple or android? What’s better? Apple is a closed system which provides a majorly obvious advantage for Apple itself, as it ensures that the company will take a profit from any software which operates within their ecosystem. Android on the other hand is an open interface operating system, allowing for more user freedom.

It is the study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs.

Although by using an open interface like Google, takes less control and offers greater freedom to their users, although this creates a better experience for the user their are some implications with opening up there platform to such a broad audience, Google has left its software open some some pretty malicious content.

Featured photograph by todd-trapani.

2 thoughts on “APPLE VS ANDROID

  1. super strong use of media in this post, loved the memes, I assume, that you made! and well kept within the word limit too, not many people do. personally, as someone who has owned both devices, I prefer Apple devices for sure. I talk about it on my blog, which I think you might be interested in, which is jailbreaking for the iPhone. it essentially gives iOS open source capabilities, or Android-esque customisation, read about it here . love ya work shellyce, good luck on the assessment!

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