Within my original DA pitch, I had discussed the products I would be advertising on my website, this would include t-shirts and jumpers etc. although when producing my designs and the website to hold them, I found this quite broad, and also a lot of work, as I would have to create several designs for each product which proved to take more time than initially intended.

The development process of each design was quite tedious, and the iteration process consisted of drawing up a sketch of each concept I had developed in my head, sharing it too friends and family to get some feedback or inspiration. After getting some feedback I would make some minor adjustments before transferring it onto my computer and curating a digital copy of each design. For every design I would try and stick to a four-layer base, beginning by opening my sketch as a layer behind my workspace and beginning to develop the outline and initial skeleton of the design on a second layer, then adding another layer containing colour if the design required so, finally I would curate a third layer which consisted of shading.

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