For my DA I would like to incorporate something that helps and brings awareness to a specific cause, while still allowing me to incorporate my personal interests, such as:

  • Beach
  • Surfing
  • Skating
  • Animals
  • Photography
  • Editing
  • Software
  • Website design
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Designing

Some causes that I would like to be able to support and bring attention to include:

  • Ocean preservation
  • Blood donation
  • Wildlife preservation
  • Forest restoration
  • Cancer support


I have prior experience in certain areas due to prior education or employment such as:

  • Website design
  • Photo editing
  • Video editing
  • Photography
  • Designing
  • Engineering
  • Painting
  • Drawing


For the platform I will be using to curate and display my digital artifact on I would like to use something I am somewhat familiar with, such as a:

  • Website
  • Blog
  • Art composition
  • Facebook page

Featured Photograph by Artem Bali.

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