
Am I cursed or is it just Monday?

Walking in, Monday morning, first lecture, palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, twenty minutes late, texting my second year friend for directions, parking fines. Well that’s how it all started my first day ‘Lose Yourself’.. in Uni. Great.

So my morning starts off at 6.20am, okay, fine my alarm went off at 6.20am, I than chose to snooze it several more times before staring at my ceiling for another two minutes contemplating skipping breakfast and turning up to my first day of Uni in my pajamas, just to get that extra half hour nap I so desperately needed. Reluctantly, I dragged myself out of bed (honestly, didn’t we all that morning?) and sluggishly moved towards the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of Nutri-grain, got to get my protein in for the long day ahead you know? Anyway after finishing my breakfast I continued on with my morning routine, having a shower, brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, attempting to cover the black bags under my eyes, ugh even just five more minutes sleep would’ve been nice.. anyway enough complaining, I continued on to pack my bag and jump in the car for the long two hour drive ahead. LIVE CONCERT ft. me banging out all the best tunes for the next two hours for all my own entertainment purposes.

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.Charles Swindoll

So I’m going to be honest here, I’m not the best when it comes to navigating and directions so I’m most likely on my own here when I say I made a mistake. For all my south cost buddies travelling up to the gong for University, their are many exits along the highway, yes you all know that, but there are two particular exits I want to talk about. The ‘Wollongong’ exit does not lead directly to the University, it leads to well Wollongong, no surprises there! Anyway further up the highway is an exit ‘University’, now have you ever been going somewhere you’re experienced driving, you know where you’re going, your friend showed you two days ago and you think oh exit ‘Wollongong’ that’s the exit I need to take! And your little google maps has yous still going along in your little car and you’re like oh yeah, I exit here and you just go with your gut cause you know what you’re doing, you know where you’re going! Well no, I should never go with my gut when driving anywhere, I have zero sense of direction. I end up circling around the highway and backstreets for almost ten minutes before I find my way back onto the highway and take the exit I was supposed to take in the first place.

Please, next time just direct me to Unibar 

Finally, I’m at the Uni, I’ve made it, just need to park my car and get to my lecture, I’m only five minutes late that’s not too bad. Now I’m still figuring out UOW parking but all I was seeing was ‘FULL’ ‘FULL’ ‘FULL’ which anyone knows means full, no space, so I turn around and decide I’m just going to go park in a backstreet and walk, it’ll be fine! “2 hour” sweet, my lecture is only two hours long, I’ll come back and move my car after. It was a fifteen minute walk to the Uni, not my class, just the Uni, how did I park so far away and not realise? so the next challenge, finding my class, I start frantically texting my second year friend “Oi where’s 25-107?”, meanwhile trying to figure out how to use the ‘Lost on campus’ app, “I’m at 19, is that close?”, “I don’t know, numbers don’t help”, wow they really don’t.. who designed this campus??


After aimlessly wondering around for another five minutes I eventually arrive at my Lecture, I’m so nervous, I’m so late, I’ve probably missed so much.. Wait.. Why is everyone on Twitter? Why are there so many memes? Are we supposed to have a twitter? or is it just a coincidence? Okay no, we need it. How do I start a Twitter? How do I use a Twitter? Oh my gosh why have a never used Twitter before??

Throughout the duration of this class I begun to truly understand the importance of developing an online persona, i.e. a Twitter account. By creating something as small as a twitter account and taking five minutes of my time throughout the week to post updates and comments, I’m allowing myself to further develop my online persona and become more socially connected to others around me. As well as starting my Twitter account, i have dedicated a lot of time and patience into creating this web blog, which I intend to post blogs to as often as possible.

Also while attending the lecture I developed a new found understanding of memes and the important role they play within communication and media.

Feature Photograph by Eberhard Grossgasteiger.

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